Youth Services
The Sullivan County Public Library and its branches offer many services to area youth, including:
Children’s and Teen Programs and Events;
Books and printed materials for Infants through Teens/Young Adults;
CD and MP3 Audio Books;
Public Computers with internet access, and wifi;
Preschool Learn and Play Area;
Teen Space, with new books arriving regularly;
Homework help and reference assistance;
Summer Reading Program.
Please contact us with any questions about the types of materials and services we offer or with specific reference questions. We are happy to help!
Phone: 812-268-4957

Children's Activities
Preschool Storytime For 2 through 6-Year-Olds
Join us at the Sullivan County Public Library for play-based preschool storytime that includes 30 minutes of action rhymes, songs, books and stories, followed by 30 minutes at play-based learning stations, including crafts, sensory tubs, music, puppets and dramatic play.
Some of these activities will be messy, so please dress your child appropriately. The library will provide smocks. Also, because there will be multiple stations where children may need help, parents and caregivers will need to actively participate in the program.
Every Thursday at 10:30 am
Summer Reading Program
The Sullivan County Public Libraries 2022 Summer Reading Program starts May 31st, 2022.
All Sullivan County youth are eligible to register at any of the SCPL locations.
Call 268-4957 or click on the calendar below for detailed program information.
All SCPL Summer Reading Events are free and open to the public.
Sign Up anytime at any of the SCPL locations or join us for the kickoff party at your library!
Homework Help
Online Resources for Homework Help
The following online research tools and websites are great ways for students to find reliable information, as well as help with homework.
Scholastic GO!: An encyclopedia for students in K-12th grades, GO! provides easy access to a wealth of accurate information.
Starfall: Starfall offers games and stories that help children practice phonics, spelling, and other reading skills.
Reading Rockets: Reading Rockets offers research-based information on teaching kids to read and helping those who struggle. It includes a section on the ABCs of Teaching Reading, free reading guides, and other resources for parents and teachers.
Math and Science Help for 6-12th Graders:
Rose-Hulman Institute of Technology’s Homework Hotline provides FREE math and science homework help to Indiana students. Tutors help students in grades 6-12 from 7 p.m. – 10 p.m. EST on Sunday – Thursday; September – May.
Call toll free at 1-877-ASK-ROSE
Teen's Activities
​Find your NEW favorite book in our TEEN section!
Check out these sites to find out about books, graphic novels, and more!
YA Books Central – Read and write reviews, join discussions, and find out more about your favorite books!
Teens (ages 12 and up) are invited to join the Teen Advisory Group (TAG) at the Sullivan Library. TAG members have a say in everything TEEN at the library, from books to programs to furniture for the Teen space.TAG meets weekly to plan library events, do activities, play games, and talk about cool books and movies. If you’re interested in joining TAG, come to a meeting. Everyone’s welcome!
Online Resources for Pre-K
The following websites are designed with young children in mind.
Fun Links
Online Resources for School Age:
The following websites are designed for school-age children.
Online Resources for Parents
The following websites are designed for parents who are looking for sites for their kids.
Youth Resources
SCPL is offering two NEW resources for children that may be accessed from the library or home, free of charge: ABC Mouse and Scholastic GO!. Click the links below to explore!